Preventing Water Damage in Your Home Prevents Mold

September 30, 2020

How To Identify Mold and Remediate It

If your home is infiltrated by water, either through broken pipes or heavy rain, it's important to mitigate the situation quickly. If it remains damp, the water damage becomes worse and mold could begin to grow. An important part of mold prevention is to keep areas in and around your home dry.

Why Mold Is a Danger to Your Home?

Mold spores are everywhere in an outdoor environment, and they can even come in when you open your door or windows. Mold needs a damp area in order to grow in a home. When mold finds a suitable area that is moist and doesn't have good airflow, it finds a home.

Mold can spread quickly. As it spreads, it feeds on the organic materials in your home. As this breakdown occurs, so does the integrity of your home's building materials.

How to Mitigate the Problem?

If the water issue is new, it's possible to clean and dry the area before it becomes a mold issue. It's important to get as much air as possible on the damp area so it can dry quickly. Any damaged materials should be replaced as part of mold prevention.

If the area has been moist for an extended period of time, mold growth could already be present. If this is the case, contact NWA Restore It to assess the situation for you. We have top of the line equipment we utilize in the removal of mold and can do so safely without putting the rest of your home at risk.

The source of the water damage will need to be corrected so the problem doesn't occur again. If you're not sure where the source is, we can help! Mold prevention begins with quick mitigation. If an area is moist, get air to it and fix the issue. If you discover an area that has been damp for a while, have NWA Restore It assess the damage.

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