Long Term Effects Of Mold Exposure

July 18, 2019

Having trouble breathing is just one of many symptoms of the long-term effects of mold exposure. Other long-term effects of mold include the following:

  • Memory loss
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Blood pressure changes
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Hives or rashes
  • Internal organ pain
  • Lethargy
  • Insomnia
  • Infertility
  • Urinary tract infections

Mold Problems: Damage to Health and Property Structure

Any exposure to mold but especially the long-term effects of mold can be hazardous. This is because of the health issues that you are dealing with will take even longer to go away. The symptoms also become more serious the longer that you have been exposed to the fungus.

For example, breathing problems are among the initial symptoms of mold exposure, but these issues become worse with prolonged mold exposure. When you breathe in mold, the spores enter your lungs and can affect your ability to breathe well. The more mold spores that you are breathing in, the more difficult it will be to breathe.

If you discover mold growing in your home or building, then you should be concerned. Mold needs two things to grow: a moisture source and an organic food source. So when mold is found growing on building materials and other surfaces, the fungus is actually using the material as its food source. The mold eats away at the materials and, in the process, damages its structure. Many common building materials contain cellulose, which is a substance that mold uses as a food source. Knowing this, mold can easily develop in homes and commercial buildings.

Other Problems with Mold

The more time the mold goes unaddressed, the longer it has to spread and eat at the affected materials. This will worsen the amount of structural damage it will cause. However, the structural damage that mold can cause to your property is just one concern of mold growth.

In addition to property damage, mold can also cause numerous health problems to anyone exposed to it. The problems, at first, are minor. But the longer you're exposed to mold, the worse these health problems will be.

Mold isn't always visible, though. Sometimes, you may just not know how to identify mold, so you could be exposed to mold and suffering from its symptoms without even knowing it. It's important to know what happens if you are exposed to mold, especially the long-term effects because then you'll know what you're dealing with.

What Happens When You're Exposed to Mold?

You can become exposed to mold by absorbing it through your skin or inhaling the spores. This exposure allows the fungus to enter your bloodstream and your lungs. From there, they are prone to affecting your immune system. However, mold spores can also harm your liver, your kidneys, and even your brain.

As aforementioned, these health problems are minimal with limited exposure. People who are sensitive to mold can suffer from various allergic symptoms: throat irritation, skin irritation, eye irritation, coughing, wheezing, nasal congestion, fatigue, and more.

These problems can be more severe if the exposed individuals have mold allergies. If you have a weakened immune system, then mold exposure can result in severe infections.

How Can I Prevent Mold Growth?

Moisture control is key to preventing mold growth because it eliminates an essential component for such a process. Knowing this, fix any moisture-related problems on your property, and clean up any excess water promptly. Keep the humidity levels somewhere between 40-50 percent to prevent your property from becoming too humid.

What Should I Do If I Find Mold?

In the event that you come across mold growing in your home or building, then you need to act right away. Immediate action will not only limit the amount of property damage it can cause, but it will also limit the potential for causing you any hazardous health effects.

Even though there are various home remedies you can try to clean the mold, it's recommended that you simply leave the mold removal process to the professionals. If you try to clean the mold yourself, you expose yourself to the fungus and put your health at risk. Additionally, if you don't treat the mold correctly, you may just end up worsening the problem.

Instead of dealing with mold growth yourself, seek help from a professional mold remediation service. With professionals working to remove the mold, you don't have to expose yourself to it. Professional technicians will eliminate any excess moisture, contain the mold to prevent it from spreading and worsening the problem, resolve the moisture source, thoroughly locate and clean all mold growth, and repair the damage done. If an odor persists, then professionals can also remove the smell as part of the mold remediation service.

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